CORE VACCINES – Every dog should receive these vaccines
- Rabies is a viral disease most often transmitted through the bite or saliva of a rabid animal. Rabies infects the central nervous system, ultimately causing death. It is a Pennsylvania state law that your dog be vaccinated!
- “Distemper” is actually a combination vaccine against three highly contagious viruses–distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, and parainfluenza (DAPP).
- Distemper affects several body systems causing signs ranging from fever, coughing, vomting and diarrhea, loss of appetite and lethargy, and hardening of the nose and foot pads.
- Adenovirus affects the liver and kidney and can cause liver and kidney failure.
- Parvovirus affects the gastrointestinal system, and signs may include lethargy, vomiting, fever, and most commonly diarrhea (usually bloody).
- Parainfluenza is a part of a respiratory complex that is highly transmissible. Signs include coughing (dry or moist), low-grade fever, nasal discharge, lack of energy and loss of appetite.
- Leptospirosis is an infection caused by bacteria transmitted in the urine of an infected animal and is contagious as long as the urine is still moist. Leptospirosis can cause liver and/or kidney failure and is zoonotic (can be passed from your pet to you!). The symptoms can be non-specific and include: loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dehydration, increase in drinking and urination, muscle pain/stiffness, jaundice (yellow coloring of skin, eyes, and gums). This vaccine is recommended yearly for all dogs now, (all ages, breeds and even those that spend most of their time inside) due to new information about the disease and how it is spread.
NON-CORE VACCINES – Based on your dog’s “lifestyle” these vaccines should be considered
- Lyme disease is transmitted by a tick. Most dogs remain asymptomatic, but some dogs will become febrile, lame or lethargic and can develop kidney damage. Recommended for use in dogs that are at high risk based on their lifestyle and exposure to ticks.
- Bordetella/Adenovirus/Parainfluenza or “Kennel Cough” is an upper respiratory infection causing a harsh, dry cough. Recommended for dogs with exposure to a lot of other dogs–kennels, doggy day care, dog parks, groomers, etc. This vaccine is required by most boarding kennels.
- Influenza is an upper respiratory infection that can cause a fever, coughing, and lethargy. We carry the bivalent form with both serotypes H3N8 and H3N2. Recommended for dogs with exposure to a lot of other dogs–kennels, doggy day care, dog parks, groomers, etc. This vaccine is required by some kennels.